Sometimes it is best to know the box you are working with. HPE has some of the best brand awareness that I have ever experienced. Having the experience to work with the HPE brand team has lead me to value and appreciate strict brand guidelines. It’s easy to think that they are there to restrict your creative freedom, when really they can allow you to be just as creative and in fact much quicker because you already know what you are working with and the answers to a lot of scenarios are right in the brand guide.

Having the experience to work with the HPE brand team has lead me to value and appreciate strict brand guidelines.

Brand Awareness: HPE

Working with top caliber brands that have strict brand guidelines is special because it provides a box to work in that allows creative freedom in an entirely different way than without the clear restrictions.

These animated pieces pushed the boundaries of that box and expanded the already existing guidelines. The HPE team loved these animations so much and appreciated that we raised the bar and added so much character to the animations.

Co-Director • Lead Animator • Editor
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
2018 – 2019
Hewlett Packard Enterprise Videos